NSS Leadership

Former NSS Directors and Officers

The following people have served on the Board of Directors or as a member of the Executive Committee (officers) of the National Space Society since it was formed in 1987 by the merger of the National Space Institute and the L5 Society. Those who have served in both capacities are listed in both sections. Includes those currently serving.


Sandra Lee Adamson
Laurence Ahearn
Robert Aillon
Stevan Akerley
Buzz Aldrin
Gregory H. Allison
Robert F. Allnutt
Dale Amon
David Anderman
Amara Angelica
Alfred B. Anzaldua
Jason “Hap” Arnold
Joe Ausmann
Greg Autry
Chantelle Baier
Gary Barnhard
Mark Barthelemy
J. David Baxter
Stephanie Bednarek
Richard Beers
Dr. Sherry Bell
Jim Bennett
Jim Benson
Brad Blair
Howard Bloom
Stanley Borowski
Ben Bova
David Brandt-Erichsen
Chris Carberry
Christopher D. Carson
John Charles
Mark Chartrand
Jesse Clark
Murray G. Clark
Myrna Coffino
Michael Collins
David Criswell
Bailey Cunningham
Paul Damphousse
Hoyt Davidson
James Davidson
Dean Davis
Harry S. Dawson
Ravi Deepak

Frances Dellutri
Peter Diamandis
Burton Dicht
Chuck Divine
Ned Dodds
Tom Doherty
Don Doughty
Hugh Downs
K. Eric Drexler
Arthur M. Dula
Bonnie J. Dunbar
David Dunlop
Frederick C. Durant, III
Marianne Dyson
Lorna Jean Edmonds
Sharon Elbert
Kim Elm
Max Fagin
Nancy G. Feldman
Hon. Edward R. Finch, Jr
Erich Fischer
James C. Fletcher
Georgia Franklin
Michael Fulda
Robby Gaines
Anita Gale
William Gardiner
Pete Garretson
Michael J. Gilbrook
Randy Gigante
Peter Glaser
Al Globus
Rich Godwin
Robert Gounley
Francis X. Govers, III
William Gunn
Michelle Hanlon
Paul Harderson
Daniel Hendrickson
H. Keith Henson
William Higgins
Buckner Hightower
Robert L. Hillhouse
Alice M. Hoffman
Kris Holland
Mark Holthaus
Joe Hopkins
Mark Hopkins
George Howard
Feng Hsu
Gregory M. Hunter
Maxwell W. Hunter, II
Kirby Ikin
Janet Ivey
Fredrick Jenet
Carol Johnson
Dana J. Johnson
Ron Jones
Margaret Jordan
Irving Kahn
Arthur Kantrowitz
Todd Kapp
Rob Kelso
Barbara J. Kennedy
Jim Keravala
Doug King
Aggie Kobrin
Peter Kokh
George Koopman
Alan Ladwig
Ronnie M. Lajoie
Carol S. Lane
Dean Larson
Rebecca Lauer
Joe Lazzaro
Byron Lichtenberg
Gabriela Lindberg
Jeffrey Liss
Brian Lundquist
John Logsdon
Bruce Mackenzie
Michael Mackowski
John Mankins
Hans Mark
Edward McCullough
Tim McEgan
Gerald McLaughlin
Clifford R. McMurray
Karen Mermel
Bryce Meyer
Charles Miller
David Millman
Ken Money
Pat Montoure
Amanda Moore
Allen C. Morse
Jim Muncy
Ben Muniz
Ken Murphy
Florence E. Nelson
Stan Nevins
Christine Nobbe
Geoffrey Notkin
Stewart Nozette
Frederick I. Ordway, III
Sandra Orellana
Warren Overton
Candace Pankanin
Christopher Pancratz
Robert Z. Pearlman
Kyle Perkins
Chris Peterson

Bruce Pittman
Jim Plaxco
Ken Poe
Seth Potter
Josh Powers
Darel Preble
Charles Radley
Joseph M. Rauscher
Ariel Rayman
Carol L. Redfield
Joe Redfield
Joe B. Redfield
Harry Reed
Hannah Rens
Glenn H. Reynolds
Lawrence D. Roberts
Gene Roddenberry
Majel Barrett Roddenberry
Laurinda Rohn
Stanley G. Rosen
Gabriel Rothblatt
Greg Rucker
Ken Ruffin
Bennett Rutledge
Neil P. Ruzic
Mike Ryan
Karen Savage
Terry Savage
Michael Schaal
Chuck Schlemm
Charles Sheffield
Avinash Shirode
Peter Schubert
Dale Skran
Shirley Smith
Michael Snyder
John Spencer
Yvonne Spencer
Jill Steele
Claire Stephens
Carol Stoker
David Stuart
John K. Strickland, Jr.
Madhu Thangavelu
Eric Tilenius
Peter Vajk
John Vittallo
Richard Wagner
Charles Walker
Elaine Walker
Craig Ward
Alan Wasser
David C. Webb
Paul Werbos
Dennis Whipple
Frank White
Wayne White
Glen P. Wilson
Jay Wittner
Steven M. Wolfe
James Anthony Wolff
Annette S. Wood
Gordon Woodcock
Simon Pete Worden
Philip Young
Veronica Ann Zabala-Aliberto
Lynne Zielinski
Greg Zsidisin
Robert M. Zubrin
Rick Zucker