Ariel Rayman, a former member of the NSS Board of Directors, is the managing attorney of a major corporate law firm in Washington, D.C., where he stays current with the impact of legal trends on space both in government and private sectors. He has had stints on Capitol Hill on both the House and Senate sides, and also as a research assistant for a presidential campaign, providing him with a strong understanding of the intricacies of pushing legislative agendas that will be most useful in promoting NSS’s vision of a spacefaring civilization.
Prior to his involvement with NSS, he was actively involved with the Aerospace Medical Association (ASMA). He has been a space and aviation enthusiast since childhood — growing up in a military family, he was born and raised on Air Force bases, which enamored him with aviation.
He writes: “One of my most memorable experiences has been volunteering at the 2008 International Space Development Conference and interacting with other likeminded individuals who see the necessity for a future in the stars.”