Blog for and about space settlement on July 20th
July 20th 2009 is the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. July 20th is also Space Exploration Day. After 40 years of space exploration it is time to begin space settlement. In order to honor all who risked their lives for space exploration and all who are dedicated to opening the new era of space settlement, we ask everyone to blog about space settlement on July 20th. Feel free to write about any aspect of space settlement, and about settlement at any space location — orbital settlements, settlements on the Moon, Mars, asteroids, or any place else. If you want more information or need ideas about space settlement go to the NSS Space Settlement Nexus.
Sponsored by the National Space Society, the Space Frontier Foundation, the Space Movement, the Moon Society, and Space Renaissance Initiative.
3 thoughts on “Space Settlement Blog Day”
CBS’s Peter King has produced for ‘Global for me’ an exclusive podcast…click below to listen and register your comments by e-mailing us – please feel free to repost….
Two NASA Spacecraft are beginning separate-but related missions around the Moon. But will their work really matter? Correspondent Peter King reports from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Attached the wrong link last time… Click my name on this post to follow the correct link.
I have just discovered this amazing documentary called Moonwalk One-The Director’s Cut that was made in 1969 of the Apollo 11 space mission! It is a truly exciting story! The original director, Theo Kamecke, was the only civilian at the time to get an inside look at the NASA space mission, and consequently created a time capsule of the 1960s.
Forty years later, it turns out he has the only pristine copy of the original 35mm film. He has since re-mastered it to a high-definition film that provides for an excellent view of society at the time and the mission itself!
Make sure to get your copy in time for the 40th anniversary of man walking on the moon! I got my copy at, and you can also order it at and It is great for space enthusiasts, students, and teachers!
Best wishes,