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The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield with Kate Fillion (2016). Inspired by the childhood of a real-life astronaut, this book encourages readers to dream the

HAVE YOU SEEN ME LATELY?Development Model of Skylab Serpentuator Arm, dated Jan. 3, 1969. Found at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Serpentuator.jpg   Sometimes curiosity can be sparked by a

The National Space Society is part of the NASA CubeQuest Challenge’s Cislunar Explorers team, whose goal is to demonstrate the first-time use of electrolyzed water

On Tuesday September 27, on the second day of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Guadalajara, Mexico, Elon Musk will deliver a special keynote presentation

Here’s a virtual space settlement “ball drop” experiment courtesy of Joe Strout. The ball starts out six meters above the deck, initially stationary with respect

Making It on the Moon: Bootstrapping Lunar Industry, a paper by Dave Dietzler, has just been published in the NSS Space Settlement Journal. Abstract: The

Category: Non-Fiction Reviewed by: Peter Spasov Title: Using Medicine in Science Fiction: The SF Writer’s Guide to Human Biology Author: Henry G. Stratmann, MD NSS

With the successful launch of a United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 411 on September 8 at 7:05 PM EST, 2016 from Space Launch Complex 41

At about 9:07 AM September 1, 2016, during preparation for a routine static fire test of the SpaceX Falcon 9 on Space Launch Complex 40

This article was originally published here by The Post, a student publication at Ohio University, and is reproduced with permission. By Lauren Fisher To Ohio

Category: Non-Fiction Reviewed by: Robert A. Lee From Ad Astra Summer 2016 Title: The Complete Space Buff’s Bucket List Author: Loretta Hall NSS Amazon link

Category: Non-Fiction Reviewed by: Loretta Hall From Ad Astra Summer 2016 Title: Infinity Beckoned: Adventuring Through the Inner Solar System, 1969-1989 Author: Jay Gallentine NSS

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Image of Kalpana One space settlement courtesy Bryan Versteeg, spacehabs.com $32,000 in Cash Awards Given for Best Space-Related Business Plans — Deadline March 1, 2024

Category: Nonfiction Reviewed by: John J. Vester Title: Nuclear Rockets: To the Moon and Mars Author: Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried Format: Paperback/Kindle Pages: 270 Publisher:

Partially Successful Flight Reached Space and Demonstrated New “Hot Staging” System The National Space Society congratulates SpaceX on the second test of its Starship/Super Heavy

Ad Astra, the NSS quarterly print, digital, and audio magazine, has won a 2023 MARCOM Gold Award. The awards are given yearly for “Excellence in

By Jennifer Muntz, NSS Member Coordinator On October 10th, an inspiring breakfast event took flight at the Center for Space Education at the Kennedy Space

By Grant Henriksen NSS Policy Committee Benefit sharing is a concept that refers to the distribution of benefits derived from the exploration and use of

People residing and working in space, space settlements, or on long-duration space flights will need to produce infrastructures and food to maintain healthy lifestyles. The

Image: Artist’s concept of the Blue Moon lander. Credit: Blue Origin. Second Human Landing System Contract Encourages Competition and Innovation The National Space Society congratulates

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