The Space Frontier Foundation has extended registration, until July 1st, 2009, for its NewSpace 2009 conference, which will be held at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California from Friday, July 17 through Monday, July 20. See the full Press Release.
William Watson, Executive Director of the Space Frontier Foundation, states,
“The human settlement of space is a goal shared by both the National Space Society and the Space Frontier Foundation. The pursuit and advocacy of such a lofty ambition requires those who dream together to work together. The Space Frontier Foundation’s annual NewSpace conference focuses on the entrepreneurial space developments that may expedite the day our species permanently occupies heavenly bodies. As a fellow National Space Society member, I invite you to NASA Ames in Mountain View, CA July 17-20th to help us jump the technical, regulatory, and political hurtles remaining for NewSpace.”
Press Release
June 23, 2009
- SUBJECT: Registration for the Space Frontier Foundation’s NewSpace 2009 Conference Extended
- Nyack, NY, June 22, 2009 – Honor the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing by spending 4 days discussing by the latest developments in the NewSpace industry at the NewSpace 2009 Conference. The Space Frontier Foundation has extended registration until July 1st, 2009 for space professionals and enthusiasts everywhere.
- Attendees at the conference will not only listen to giants in the industry speak, but will also have access to intriguing exhibits ranging from NewSpace media and entertainment to the latest technologies. Network with fellow enthusiasts at the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), Teachers in Space, and the National Space Society (NSS) booths or pick up gear at the SFF Storefront. You will also learn about the launch of the International Space University’s new MBA program at the ISU exhibit.
- Another of the exciting exhibits is VirtuePlay’s premier of the Lunar Racing Championship game. Attendees will have the opportunity to play “LRC” game on D-Box motion gaming seats, creating the feeling of off-roading on the moon and flying around craters in one-sixth gravity.
- ““Lunar Racing Championship”, (LRC) was developed using NASA’s lunar topography from the 1994 Clementine mission, to provide immersion racing on the moon in 3D. The software realistically simulates the moon’s low gravity, and lack of atmosphere. Racing vehicles off-road is pedestrian compared to piloting advanced rocket cars off-world in no atmosphere. “LRC” puts you in the cockpit of a futuristic racing machine that is part rally car, part spaceship for high speed competition set within the “magnificent desolation” of Earth’s moon.” Mary Duda, CEO of VirtuePlay Inc.
- Interested in hosting an exhibit at NS09? Contact exhibit manager Jake Welch for information and exhibit registration at (Conference Over)
- Registration for the conference is available at the NewSpace 2009 website, which also provides information about our group rate ($99/night) at the Domain Hotel in nearby Sunnyvale, California.