March Storm team in front of the Capitol building in 2017
The National Space Society participates in annual Congressional education events:
- March Storm: held annually in Washington DC during March, and sponsored by the Alliance for Space Development (ASD), NSS, and Space Frontier Foundation. See report on the 2017 March Storm: NSS Winds Blow into DC.
- Fall Fury Congressional Outreach: held annually starting during the August Congressional recess and proceeding through the end of the fiscal year. During this period NSS and the Alliance for Space Development focus on pending bills already introduced in Congress with particular emphasis on Appropriations of specific line items for both NASA and other space-related activities.
Talking points and information from some past blitzes include:
- ASD 2022-2023 Report
- 2019 March Storm Report
- 2018 March Storm General Report
- 2018 March Storm Talking Points
- 2017 August Home District Blitz Talking Points
- 2017 March Storm Talking Points
- 2016 August Home District Blitz Talking Points
- 2016 March Storm Talking Points
A Success Story:
Who Ya Gonna Call? The Oklahoma Space Alliance
NSS members often associate Congressional visits with events like the March Storm. Even so, the great majority of these visits are with staff, not the Senators/Congress members themselves.
Hence, it was with considerable surprise when the office of Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-OK District 1) called Steve Swift, the President of the local NSS Chapter (the Oklahoma Space Alliance) requesting a briefing on space matters. Bridentstine is on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and is Chair of the Subcommittee on Environment.
Steve and members of the Oklahoma Space Alliance ended up talking with the Congressman himself for 1-½ hours on February 18, 2015! To prepare for this important meeting, the chapter prepared a four-page document of talking points. Although this document is localized to the situation in Oklahoma, it is a good model for any NSS Chapter to follow. Please join us in congratulating Steve and the Oklahoma Space Alliance on this significant achievement!!!

- March Storm: held annually in Washington DC during March, and sponsored by the Alliance for Space Development (ASD), NSS, and Space Frontier Foundation. See report on the 2017 March Storm: NSS Winds Blow into DC.
- Fall Fury Congressional Outreach: held annually starting during the August Congressional recess and proceeding through the end of the fiscal year. During this period NSS and the Alliance for Space Development focus on pending bills already introduced in Congress with particular emphasis on Appropriations of specific line items for both NASA and other space-related activities.
- SEA Blitz: held annually in Washington DC during February, and sponsored by the Space Exploration Alliance, which includes groups ranging from NSS and Explore Mars to AIAA, the Moon Society, the Mars Society, the Planetary Society, the National Society of Black Engineers, SEDS, and Buzz Aldrin’s Share Space Foundation.
- 2019 March Storm Report (PDF)
- 2018 August Blitz Talking Points (PDF)
- 2018 August Blitz Advocacy Training (PDF)
- 2018 August Blitz Commercial LEO Stations FAQ (PDF)
- 2018 March Storm General Report [PDF]
- 2018 March Storm Talking Points [PDF]
- 2017 August Home District Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2017 March Storm Talking Points [PDF]
- 2016 August Home District Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2016 March Storm Talking Points [PDF]
- 2015 August Home District Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2014 August Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2014 August Blitz Organizing Guidelines [PDF]
- 2014 February Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2013 February Blitz Talking Points [PDF]
- 2010 SEA Pre-Blitz Press Release
- 2007 February Space Budget Blitz report
- 2004 Moon Mars Blitz photos
- 2004 SEA Legislative Blitz materials
- 2003 NSS legislative efforts