Images from the July 11-13, 2004 Moon Mars Blitz
- Blitz participants on Capitol Hill, July 12, 2004 (low resolution)
- Blitz organization leaders – From left to right: Randall Severy, Moon Society; Bob Zubrin, Mars Society; Andrew Barber, AIA; Marc Schlather, ProSpace; Jim Kirkpatrick, AAS; Charlie Walker, NSS; Jeff Feige, ASA; Janice Dunn, California Space Authority; Tony DeTora, SFF; George Whitesides, National Space Society (lo resolution)
- Visiting Ralph Hall’s Office (R-TX) – The person in the Congressman’s Chair (by permission) is 12 year old team member Malcolm Forbes. The others from left to right are Katie Cormer (the staffer we spoke with) Kent Miller, Mark Hopkins and Nicholas Perino.
- Senator Lugar with Beth and Peter Schubert – Peter was chair of the NSS Legislative Conference for 2004.