You are Invited to the next NSS Space Forum
Thursday, March 10, 2022, 9:00 pm to 10:15 pm EST
A Framework for Architecting the Future of Space, with Special Guest Gary Barnhard, NSS UN NGO Delegation Administrator & Technical Representative, NSS Director of Strategic Relationships, and member of the NSS Board of Directors.
Evolving to a thriving, sustainable spacefaring society will entail a transdisciplinary fusion of architecture, engineering, and understanding. We must learn to wield the art of design, the application of science (a.k.a. technology), the orchestration of systems engineering, and test the limits of our understanding to be the best stewards of Earth and our expanding habitat in space that we can be.
In this presentation, “A Framework for Architecting the Future of Space,” Mr. Barnhard begins with several postulates that will guide the framework:
- Defending Earth against Asteroids and Comets
- Space Development
- Space Settlements
It will touch the Arcs of Opportunity these areas offer as well as the work vectors needed to achieve them which includes: Technology Development, Demonstration, and Deployment. These arcs entail flows of people, material, energy, and information and the stakeholders include government, commercial, non-profit, educational organizations as well as individuals.
A key factor is reducing the systems engineering to practice for the development of new space systems and this requires understanding the general problems before point designs. Mr. Barnhard’s talk will include a description of “Outcome Elements” necessary to provide the framework for space development. In the end, we must ensure that what we are architecting is mission-enabling, sustainable, and affordable to use.
Mr. Barnhard presented this talk to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) Scientific and Technical Subcommittee on Feb 16, 2022. Join us for this informative space forum to hear about this innovative plan.
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Gary Barnhard is a self-described synergistic technological philanthropist, entrepreneur, and serial venture capitalist now serving as the President & CEO of Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc. (XISP-Inc) a virtual enterprise focused on Cislunar commercial Technology Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (TD**3) missions. He is a robotic, space, computer, and power systems engineer.
He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and a National Space Society (NSS) life member, prior CEO, prior Executive Director, prior Administrator of the NSS United Nations NGO Delegation and Technical Representative, NSS Board of Directors member, and NSS Director of Strategic Relationships.
Register today to reserve your seat and ask your questions.
Register no later than March 10 at 8 pm EST.
Past NSS Space Forums and Town Halls may be viewed here.