You are invited to a special event hosted by the NSS Iowa Chapter. In association with the 2022 ciLive event hosted by the DMACC West Campus, you have a unique opportunity to listen to and ask questions of three panelists who will be conducting a panel discussion:
“The Future of Space”
Tuesday, March 8 at 5:00 p.m. Central time
Our guest panelists will include:
Gerry Griffin – Former Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center: Gerry Griffin is the former Director of NASA’s Johnson Space Center. During NASA’s Apollo Program, Gerry was a flight director in Mission Control for all of the Apollo crewed missions. He was also Lead Flight Director for three lunar landing missions: Apollo 12, 15, and 17 and led a team of flight controllers responsible for the safe return of the Apollo 13 astronauts. Gerry was a technical advisor for the movies Apollo 13, Contact (in which he also acted) and Deep Impact.
Andy Aldrin – Space Entrepreneur and son of Apollo Moonwalker, Buzz Aldrin: Andy Aldrin is the son of famed Apollo 11 Moonwalker Buzz Aldrin and a leader in the aerospace industry focusing on the intersection of policy, business, and academia. He founded the International Space University Center for Space Entrepreneurship at Florida Tech where he was also Director of the Aldrin Space Institute. Andy’s experience also includes leadership positions at Moon Express, an emerging NewSpace company; Boeing; the RAND Corporation; and the Institute for Defense Analyses.
Rod Pyle – Author, Journalist, Filmmaker, and Editor-in-Chief for Ad Astra: Rod Pyle has written 15 books on space history, exploration, and development. Rod has also produced, directed, and written programming for History Channel’s Modern Marvels; the History Channel documentary Beyond the Ware of the Worlds, and numerous titles for Discovery Communications. He worked in visual effects of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as well as various TV pilots. Rod is featured regularly on national media as a space expert.
Feel free to contact us directly via email at [email protected] for more information.
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This program will later be posted to the NSS Iowa YouTube Channel