The National Space Society invites you to the next NSS Town Hall
Thursday, August 25, 2022, 9:00 pm to 10:15 pm EDT
An Overview of Two Important NSS Programs:
SpacEdge Education and the NSS Career Center
With Special Guests:
NSS Town Halls are your opportunity to engage with the volunteer leaders on the Membership Committee and get updates on the status of current membership programs and benefits. This Town Hall will feature overviews of the SpacEdge Academy and the NSS Career Center. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about these programs and how you as a member can leverage them to maximize your membership experience.
SpacEdge Education is the educational arm of the National Space Society and has an amazing suite of opportunities for all ages. NSS Director of Education and NSS Board of Directors Member Frances Dellutri will guide you through these intriguing programs, using the SpacEdge Academy as the free easily accessible backdrop that’s been visited by over a million people in the last year. Join us to learn how the education team is promoting space-science education, space issues, and the mission of NSS!
The NSS Career Center was started last year to recognize the needs of members who are interested in pursuing careers in space. Whether you are an experienced professional seeking a new career opportunity or a recent graduate looking for an entry level position, the NSS Career Center offers you an opportunity to connect with space industry employers seeking talented candidates. NSS VP of Membership Burt Dicht will provide an overview of the Career Center and do a demonstration on how to use it to explore the career opportunities. Join us to learn more how NSS is working to develop more career related resources to help our members achieve their space dreams.
Register today to reserve your seat and ask your questions. Use the link below.
Register no later than August 25 at 8 pm EDT