
2025 spUN Applications Open in Fall, 2024

Application  and program information at:  High School spUN Debates
Application and program information at: University spUN Debates

spUN Debate Program Tournament

The spUN Debate Program uses the NSS  International Space Development Conference (ISDC) as the venue to hold the spUN virtual debate final tournament rounds.
Information about ISDC2025

High School spUN Debate 2024:

Resolution: Space development would best be performed by autonomous AI and robotic systems.
Video of finalist teams debate:  SLIM vs CAPSTONE
From the NSS International Space Development Conference 

University spUN Debate 2024:

Resolution: The international community must establish regulations for space-based solar power to mitigate potential hazards.
Video of finalist teams debate:  Silicon vs Cadmium
From the NSS International Space Development Conference 

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