Thank you for your interest in supporting the education and outreach activities of the National Space Society. Donating to programs like spUN Debates helps us improve these programs for our participants.
Curious about what your contribution can do?
Here is how the NSS spUN Debate Program could use your donation:
$10,000 – Diamond Level
- Expand the spUN Debate program to 10 new countries and facilitate in-person debates in some countries
- Sponsor is recognized by displaying their name and logo on spUN website and materials
$5,000 – Platinum Level
- Design and present a virtual workshop to teachers of students who are at risk/underserved, to increase inclusivity of debaters on the debate teams
- Sponsor name and logo will be used on workshop materials
$1,500 – Sapphire Level
- Fully cover NSS membership fees for coaches, students, and volunteers for the debates
- Sponsor is acknowledged by the spUN Debate Program
$1,000 – Gold Level
- Supports marketing efforts for the spUN Debate Program tournament
- Sponsor is acknowledged by the spUN Debate Program
$500 – Silver Level
- Supports one spUN Debate Team
$250 – Bronze Level
- Supports Tournament Judges
$150 – Level
- Supports spUN Student Application fees
$100 – Level
- Supports social media costs
$15 – Level
- Supports 1 Student Application fee