NSS has just issued a new Position Paper on “Space Solar Power: Enabling a Green Future with Economic Growth.”
The United States and the rest of the world face a two-fold energy problem: (1) the need to find clean alternative sources of energy to move away from fossil fuels and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, and (2) the need to increase total energy production to meet global demands for an increased standard of living. The National Space Society (NSS) believes that one of the most important long-term solutions for meeting both energy needs is Space Solar Power (SSP), which gathers energy from sunlight in space and sends it to Earth. We believe that SSP can solve our future energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions problems. Not just help, not just take a step in the right direction, but solve.
1 thought on “Space Solar Power: Enabling a Green Future with Economic Growth”
Dr. Carl Sagan, a liberal pacifist scientist, and Dr. George A. (Jay) Keyworth II, a conservative hawk who was Pres. Reagan’s science adviser and “star wars” defender, both voiced support for space solar as a large-scale clean energy solution. Gerard K. O’Neill, Peter Glaser, and Bill Brown outlined the SSP/space settlement plan decades ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xz3ZjOSMRU&t=3235s