The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) DoD Commercial SATCOM Users’ Workshop will take place December 13-15, 2011 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA (more information). This is SIA’s flagship workshop, which brings together government leaders from DoD Combatant Commands, Services and Agencies as well as commercial satellite industry operators, service providers, integrators, ground equipment suppliers, and manufacturers. The theme of this year’s workshop is the evolution of SATCOM in a fiscally-constrained environment. Ms. Cindy Moran, Director of Network Services at the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), will deliver the keynote address at the luncheon on Thursday, December 15th.

Book Review: In Search of Falling Stars
Category: Nonfiction Reviewed by: John Vester Title: In Search of Falling Stars: H.H. Nininger’s Classic Find a Falling Star, Revisited