International Space Development Conference 2014
Registration goes up April 1. Now is the time to Register for what promises to be a truly extraordinary Conference. Our Living in Space Track includes presentations from a variety of different disciplines ranging from philosophy to exotic propulsion systems. This year, topics that have already been scheduled include: a synopsis of the latest research work conducted by the MarsCrew134 at MDRS, ISS Resource Utilization, Black Hole propulsion systems, and asteroid mining.
Location: Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles
Special Highlight: Friday Night Banquet – May 16
Featured Speaker: Elon Musk
NSS takes great pleasure in announcing that its 2014 Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Award has been won by acclaimed space entrepreneur Elon Musk. Musk is the Chief Designer and CEO of SpaceX. In the last decade, SpaceX, under the leadership of Elon Musk, has been moving directly toward accomplishing goals that many of us in NSS think are of utmost importance. One of these goals is forcing a drastic reduction in launch costs by doing the very hard task, which no one else in the world has been willing and able to tackle: creating a family of commercially successful and reusable rocket boosters and reusable spacecraft.