The National Space Society (NSS) is organizing jointly with the Space Frontier Foundation (SFF) a “home district” blitz during August when Congress is in recess and members of Congress are most probably in their home districts. The themes for the blitz include supporting Commercial Crew, advocating for a gapless transition from the ISS to commercial space stations, supporting the “Space Exploration, Development, and Settlement Act” (SEDS Act) and protecting the Earth against asteroids and comets. Three of these four items are in support of the 2015 Campaign of the Alliance for Space Development.
Signup to the August Blitz this year is via google forms. Signup is open to anyone who wants to join, as this is a joint NSS/SFF activity. In other words, you do not need to be an NSS or SFF member to participate. However, you MUST fill out the google form. Please distribute this link to the google form to anyone you know who you think might be interested. Send email to [email protected] with any questions.
The materials for the August Blitz are now available. They include:
- The Blitz FAQ
- Training/preparation slides
- The talking points slides to print out and bring to the Congressional meetings
- A one-pager on the Alliance for Space Development that you may wish to print out and bring to the Congressional meetings to help in quickly explaining the Alliance
- The current draft of the SEDS Act that you may wish to print out and bring to the Congressional meetings to support this talking point
It is planned to set up Contact team leaders on August 1st. The exact date of Congressional recess is still unclear, but is at least one or two weeks in the future from July 29, 2015.
You should read the first three bulleted items above as soon as you can. Please send any questions to [email protected] and answers will be circulated to all participants. Please circulate the Blitz FAQ to anyone who may be interested in signing up. Remind them to fill out the google form if they have not yet done so.
Thanks to all who are helping,
Dale Skran
Chair, NSS Policy Committee
Chair, NSS/SFF August Home District Blitz