The NSS Space Ambassadors Program is a venue to allow people worldwide to communicate the benefits of space exploration to our daily lives and to inspire and educate young people and the public to pursue careers in science, engineering, and mathematics. The goal is to inspire the next generation of leaders to embrace and pursue the vision of people living and working in space. Lots of people have participated, and NSS is now completing the first phase of the Space Ambassadors Program. The Top Ten Ambassadors will present examples of their work at the upcoming ISDC 2016 in Puerto Rico on May 19, 2016. Based on their work, the Top Ten will be rank-ordered, and they will select an NSS training assignment from the following sponsors:
- Aurora Aerospace: Two zero-G training assignments in their Rockwell-700 aircraft (2 awardees)
- Kepler Space Institute: A $5000 scholarship
- ETC’s The NASTAR Center: One assignment to their Basic Suborbital Space Training program
- Zero Gravity Corp: One ZERO-G experience in their Boeing-727 aircraft
For more information see Space Ambassadors.