Welcome to the National Space Society Blog.
The purpose of this blog is to engage in a public dialog on the importance of space development and exploration for humanity’s future. It is the mission of the National Space Society to promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity.
As a long time member of NSS, I fully agree with this mission. In fact, I feel so strongly about it that I became a chapter activist performing public outreach in my community and have volunteered extensively on behalf of NSS over the years. This year I was elected to the NSS Board of Directors and hope to make a positive contribution to the National Space Society’s vision of people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth.
Join us and make a difference. If I can, so can you.
Ad Astra,
Jim Plaxco, NSS Director
5 thoughts on “Welcome to the National Space Society Blog”
Hello, I can’t understand how to add your blog in my rss reader
Jim Plaxco will have to deal with that question. I am the editor Jim is the administrator, he handles the technical issues.
If you go to the bottom of any page you will see the line “Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS).” Entries is the link to the RSS feed for blog entries and Comments is the link to the RSS feed for comments. How you add those links to your RSS reader is dependent on what software you are using. That software will have instructions on how to add new feeds. Hope this answers your question.
Hello, I can’t understand how to add your blog in my rss reader
Scroll the page down as far as you can and the last line on the page is the links for RSS feed. One for Enteries (posts) and one for Comments.