NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) Test Subject Screening is recruiting volunteers for a long duration mission to simulate flight operations and confinement. Subjects will spend the mission in confined habitation in the Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA) facility at JSC. Researchers will collect blood, urine, and saliva; study personal behaviors; and evaluate team cohesion, cognition, and communication.
This opportunity is for healthy, non-smoking volunteers ages 35 to 55 years old. Volunteers must pass a JSC physical and psychological assessment to qualify and fit the following requirements:
- Take no medications
- Have no dietary restrictions
- Have a BMI of 29 or less
- Be 74 inches or less in height
- Have no history of sleepwalking
- Possess highly technical skills and a Master of Science degree in science, technology, engineering, or math discipline, or equivalent years of experience.
Volunteers will be compensated. If interested in becoming a test subject, go to this website:
NASA Human Research Program Flight Analog Subject Recruitment