Space Shuttle Video Library 7

Library 7

Video highlights from nearly every shuttle mission, narrated by the astronauts.
Space Shuttle Mission Patches are included on each page.
Mission Posters are included from Flight 114.
These videos are from NASA and you are free to use according to NASA Media Usage Guidelines.

Warm up with a minute of Stupid Astronaut Tricks.




121 (STS-122)

Feb 7, 2008

ISS assembly, Columbus laboratory; 3 EVAs

122 (STS-123)

Mar 11, 2008

ISS assembly, Dextre; 5 EVAs

123 (STS-124)

May 31, 2008

ISS assembly, Kibo module; 3 EVAs

124 (STS-126)

Nov 14, 2008

ISS assembly; Leonardo module; 4 EVAs

125 (STS-119)

Mar 15, 2009

ISS assembly, S6 truss, solar arrays; 3 EVAs

126 (STS-125)

May 11, 2009

Hubble Space Telescope servicing [NO NARRATION]

127 (STS-127)

July 15, 2009

ISS assembly, Japanese Experiment Module; 5 EVAs

128 (STS-128)

Aug 28, 2009

ISS assembly; Leonardo module; 3 EVAs

129 (STS-129)

Nov 16, 2009

ISS assembly; ExPRESS Logistics Carriers; 3 EVAs

130 (STS-130)

Feb 8, 2010

ISS assembly, Node 3, Cupola; 3 EVAs

131 (STS-131)

April 5, 2010

ISS assembly; Leonardo module; 3 EVAs

132 (STS-132)

May 14, 2010

ISS assembly, Mini-Research Module; 3 EVAs

133 (STS-133)

Feb 24, 2011

ISS assembly, Leonardo, Robonaut; 2 EVAs

135 (STS-135)

Jul 8, 2011

Multi-Purpose Logistics Module

Your Doorway to New Worlds