Space Settlement Blogging

Blog for and about space settlement on July 20th

July 20th 2009 is the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. July 20th is also Space Exploration Day. After 40 years of space exploration it is time to begin space settlement. In order to honor all who risked their lives for space exploration and all who are dedicated to opening the new era of space settlement, we ask everyone to blog about space settlement on July 20th. Feel free to write about any aspect of space settlement, and about settlement at any space location — orbital settlements, settlements on the Moon, Mars, asteroids, or any place else. If you want more information or need ideas about space settlement go to the NSS Space Settlement NexusSIGN UP YOUR BLOG HERE (form now deactivated) so we know which blogs are participating and we can send traffic your way. See list of participating blogs below. Sponsored by the National Space Society, the Space Frontier Foundation, the Space Movement, the Moon Society, and Space Renaissance Initiative. For more information about this event contact Karen Cramer Shea.  

Participating Blogs:

As of December 2017, links to discontinued blogs have been removed

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