Thanks to all of the space advocates who participated in the 2010 SEA Legislative Blitz! It was a great success and an exciting opportunity to work with fellow space enthusiasts from around the country. Special thanks to our member organizations for their support of the event!
2010 Legislative Blitz
February 21-23 in Washington DC
In 2004, a group of thirteen premier space advocacy groups joined together under the Space Exploration Alliance to have their voices heard. The first SEA “Blitz” brought together 76 space enthusiasts from around the country. They converged on Washington, D.C., and talked with over 200 congressional offices in support of NASA and space exploration.

On February 1, 2010, President Obama released his 2011 budget that invests an additional $6 billion in NASA over the next five years – an overall $100 billion commitment to the agency. The Presidential Budget also calls for the cancellation of the Constellation program, extension of the International Space Station, and increased usage of commercial launch providers among major shifts at NASA.
More than ever before, it is absolutely critical that the voices of the space advocacy community be heard in the debate over the future of our nation’s space program. SEA will be calling upon Congress to ensure NASA is a compelling national priority.
Come join space advocates from around the country to let Congress know that there is strong constituent support for an ambitious space program. You will find this experience to be exciting and rewarding! We will provide an information/training session on Sunday afternoon plus all of the materials that you will need for meetings on Monday and Tuesday.
This event will not be successful without your help. Please Join Us from February 21-23, 2010 so that YOUR voice can be heard. See you in Washington, D.C.
Registration Closed
Team and meeting information will be handed out at the Blitz training session/meeting on Sunday, February 21 starting at 2pm at the Capitol Hilton, Pan Am Room. The Capital Hilton is located only a few blocks from 3 different Metro Stations. Farragut North Metro Station (Red Line) and Farragut West Metro Station (Blue & Orange Lines).
The Capitol Hilton address is1001 16th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20036.
For additional information or questions please contact Rick Zucker at (email closed) or 508-651-9936.
Note: The Space Exploration Alliance does not recommend any specific hotel to use for this event. Please find a local hotel that suits your needs.