Assembly Required
Active chapters of the National Space Society are eligible to receive a number of resources supplied by NSS national. Physical resources such as NSS banners, copies of Ad Astra magazine, membership brochures, and the like are provided to chapters on an ad hoc basis, usually upon request via the NSS Chapters Committee.
Another service provided by NSS to chapters is that of providing hosting services for chapter websites on a subdomain of the “nss.org” domain (e.g., “greek.nss.org“). Alternatively, many chapters choose to establish their own websites using their own domain name and tools.
NSS Membership flyers associated with the NSS Campaign for the Future are available for chapters to use for their recruitment efforts.
Chapters may list their activities on the NSS Online Calendar
Other resources are provided directly by the NSS Chapters Committee to chapters.
For assistance and additional information, please contact your chapter coordinator