“Live in a Healthy Space” Design Competition: FAQ

Q: How many pages can the entry be?
A: The main body of the entry can have a maximum of 10 pages double spaced with 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins all around (top, bottom,and both sides) and no smaller than 11-point type. You can add on 1-page for the Executive Summary, up to 5 pages for Appendices, and up to 2 pages of Bibliography, for a total of 18 possible pages.
Q: Can I also submit the Live in a Healthy Space entry to the NSS Gerard K. O’Neill Space Settlement Contest?
A: Yes, the Live in a Healthy Space entry can be submitted as part of the O’Neill entry. However, you must follow the O’Neill contest rules when doing so.
Send any questions associated with this Competition to [email protected].