Gallery for NSS Space Settlement Art Contest

* All art on these pages is copyrighted by the individual artists and may not be used without the artist’s specific permission.
A Little Bit of Home
by Walter Myers
Category: Lunar Settlements
Description: A young radio astronomer stationed on a permanent settlement near the Moon’s South Pole receives a welcome gift from Earth. Amid the techno-clutter of an office where livable real estate is at an extreme premium, this Selenite pauses to smell the flowers.
Medium/Tools Used: The primary rendering application was DAZ Bryce 6, and Bryce was also used to create some of the models as well. Poser 6 was employed to create the figure and some props, and 3DS Max 8 helped with some of the details of the props. The Earth was rendered in Cinema 4D 9. PhotoShop CS2 and Paint Shop Pro 7 were used to create textures and for post-rendering tweaks.