Step Instructions Input data/units Keys
1 load sides 1 and 2
2 store constraints into secondary registers
store: 1.656X10-10 STO 0
store one set of the following constraints:
0.122 / 0.142 STO 1
7.194X10-4 / 7.973X10-4 STO 2
0.005 / 0.014 STO 3
3 rotate storage P S
4 set format SCI 3
5 store values and mission parameters
all units MKS
propellant acceleration a, m/sec2 a STO A
propellant launch rate ,Hz STO B
exhaust velocity ve, m/sec ve STO C
propellant lump (payload) mass, kg m1 STO D
missionv, m/sec v STO E
mission thrust time, tB, sec tB STO I
6 start program. Output data printed as follows: [A]
caliber D, m
SCR mass, kg
winding mass, kg
feeder=capacitor mass, kg
MDRE total mass, kg
total power, W
efficiency, fraction
total radiator mass, kg
overall MD specific powerplant mass, kg/w
powerplant, total mass, kg
MDRE mass/overall initial mass, fraction
payload mass.overall initial mass, fraction
initial mass Mo, kg
payload mass delivered at destination, Mpay, kg
propellant mass used,Mpro, kg
note: last five items apply only to MDRE calculations
7 for length, m [B]
8 for thrust, N [C]


MDRE constants are used and identified by by ( )

001 *LBLA 056 x 111 x 166 CHS
002 . 057 3 112 STO5 167 RCL5
003 1 058 1/X 113 PRTX 168 +
004 9 059 yx 114 1 169 STO6
005 7 060 x 115 RCL9 170 PRTX
006 RCLD 061 RCLD 116 RCL8 171 1
007 3 062 5 117 PRTX 172 RCL5
008 1/X 063 ENT 118 173
009 yx 064 9 119 174 RCLC
010 x 065 120 STO 175 x
011 PRTX 066 yx 121 PRTX 176 RCLI
012 PS 067 x 122 RCL9 177
013 RCL 068 STO3 123 5 178 STO8
014 PS 069 PRTX 124 179 1/X
015 RCLC 070 RCLB 125 180 RCLD
016 3 071 RCLD 126 STO4 181 x
017 yx 072 x 127 PRTX 182 RCLB
018 x 073 RCLC 128 RCL5 183 x
019 RCLA 074 x2 129 RCL8 184 RCLC
020 x 075 x 130 185 x
021 RCLD 076 2 131 STO6 186 STO9
022 3 077 132 PRTX 187 PRTX
023 1/x 078 STO8 133 RCL8 188 RCL6
024 yx 079 P S 134 P S 189 x
025 x 080 RCL3 135 RCL3 190 PRTX
026 STO1 081 P S 136 P S 191 1
027 PRTX 082 x 137 x 192 RCL5
028 P S 083 STO6 138 PRTX 193
029 RCL1 084 RCL2 139 SPC 194 RCL9
030 P S 085 RCL3 140 RCL 195 x
031 RCLC 086 + 141 2 196 PRTX
032 1 087 . 142 x 197 P S
033 . 088 143 RCL1 198 RTN
034 5 089 2 144 x 199 *LBLA
035 yx 090 P S 145 RCL6 200 RCLC
036 x 091 RCL3 146 201 X2
037 RCLD 092 PS 147 202 RCLA
038 RCLB 093 + 148 STO7 203
039 x 094 149 RCLC 204 .
040 095 STO9 150 Y 205 8
041 x 096 ST+8 151 206 4
042 STO2 097 RCL6 152 x2 207 7
043 PRTX 098 RCL2 153 RCLE 208 x
044 P S 099 2 154 RCLC 209 PRTX
045 RCL2 100 x 155 210 RTN
046 P S 101 + 156 CHS 211 *LBLC
047 RCLC 102 RCL3 157 ex 212 RCLB
048 5 103 3 158 P S 213 RCLD
049 ENT 104 x 159 STO5 214 x
050 3 105 + 160 CHS 215 RCLC
051 106 RCL1 161 1 216 x
052 yx 107 + 162 + 217 PRTX
053 x 108 1 163 x 218 RTN
054 RCLA 109 . 164 STO4 219 R/S
055 RCLB 110 5 165 PRTX End of Program

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Curator: Al Globus
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