Tango III : A Space Settlement Design


Questions and Answers

After meeting endlessly and having discussed seemingly infinite possibilities, this study group should now, at this point, be able to answer just one question : Are space colonies possible now? And if we summarize technical and social issues and weigh carefully favourable and unfavourable circumstances, perhaps the answer is no.

Many points still remain unclear. How will such mammoth structures really behave? Is there a way of initially putting all that atmosphere together and preventing it from leaking away? Tolerance to rotation is not less worrying, and the discussed problem of what to do with babies, whether to stay or leave when they are born, seems to yield no satisfactory solution. And so on ...

But after all the things that we have gone through since last year for once this group wants to take a break and silence momentarily the conclusions that take shape in the form of, again, a detailed analysis. We would rather express our final conclusion in terms of what we feel, that is, that humans must work together like we did for this and other projects, and that if they do so seemingly impossible tasks (like completing this project in time) can be achieved.

If the human race unites in the common goal of colonizing space, then, in the words of Goddard :

"Nobody knows what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow."

This is, perhaps, a dream of today. And we all feel intimately sure that it will become, some time, a reality of tomorrow.

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NAS NAS contact: Al Globus

Curator: Al Globus
If you find any errors on this page contact Al Globus.
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