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The Russian National Anthem, presented Friday, February 7, at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremonies. At about 1:45, cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev, Yelena Serova, Svetlana

  Deke Slayton, Bob Crippen, and John Young pose with STYLE at Third Century America, Kennedy Space Center, in 1976. NASA photo.  Now that I

From CBS This Morning: 2-minute video after 30-second advertisement. Transcript after about 40 seconds: “We’ve got to restore American ability to transport astronauts with domestic

Category: Children’s Book Reviewed by: Susan Raizer Title: Beyond the Solar System: Exploring Galaxies, Black Holes, Alien Planets, and More – a History with 21

Category: Fiction Reviewed by: Dale L. Skran, Jr. Title: Proxima Author: Stephen Baxter NSS Amazon link for this book Format: Hardcover/Paperback Pages: 455 Publisher: Gollancz

Category: Non-Fiction Reviewed by: Ted Spitzmiller Title: Sky Alert!: When Satellites Fail Author: Les Johnson NSS Amazon link for this book Format: Paperback Pages: 200

Scientists using the Herschel space observatory have made the first definitive detection of water vapor on the largest and roundest object in the asteroid belt,

On December 11 the United States House of Representatives Science, Space, and Technology Committee approved a bill, H.R. 3625, that would require an act of

The Washington DC-based National Space Society (NSS) strongly opposes the passage of House of Representatives bill HR 3625. This bill would (a) require NASA to

Category: Fiction Reviewed by: Robert A. Lee Title: Crisis on Stardust Station Author: John Taloni NSS Amazon link for this book Format: Kindle Pages: 130

Category: Non-Fiction Reviewed by: Ted Spitzmiller Title: The Soyuz Launch Vehicle–Two Lives of an Engineering Triumph Author: Christian Lardier and Stefan Barensky NSS Amazon link

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Image of Kalpana One space settlement courtesy Bryan Versteeg, spacehabs.com $32,000 in Cash Awards Given for Best Space-Related Business Plans — Deadline March 1, 2024

Category: Nonfiction Reviewed by: John J. Vester Title: Nuclear Rockets: To the Moon and Mars Author: Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried Format: Paperback/Kindle Pages: 270 Publisher:

Partially Successful Flight Reached Space and Demonstrated New “Hot Staging” System The National Space Society congratulates SpaceX on the second test of its Starship/Super Heavy

Ad Astra, the NSS quarterly print, digital, and audio magazine, has won a 2023 MARCOM Gold Award. The awards are given yearly for “Excellence in

By Jennifer Muntz, NSS Member Coordinator On October 10th, an inspiring breakfast event took flight at the Center for Space Education at the Kennedy Space

By Grant Henriksen NSS Policy Committee Benefit sharing is a concept that refers to the distribution of benefits derived from the exploration and use of

People residing and working in space, space settlements, or on long-duration space flights will need to produce infrastructures and food to maintain healthy lifestyles. The

Image: Artist’s concept of the Blue Moon lander. Credit: Blue Origin. Second Human Landing System Contract Encourages Competition and Innovation The National Space Society congratulates

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